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Getting Started | Cash Envelope Budgeting


You're on the path to financial stability and debt free living

Thank you for choosing the Bella Taylor Cash System Wallet. You've joined thousands of cash budgeters who use the wallet for their Dave Ramsey and cash envelope budget systems. 

how to start your cash envelope budget

"You've got to tell your money what to do or it will leave." 

-Dave Ramsey

Building a solid financial future means controlling spending so you can build wealth, and there's something psychological about spending cash that hurts more than swiping a piece of plastic. 

SHare & Win!

WIN $50 CASH for your new wallet!

Enter our monthly Find Wallet Peace giveaways today: 

1. Post a photo of your wallet in use on Instagram and mention @TheCashSystemWallet 

2. Follow @TheCashSystemWallet on Instagram where we will randomly draw one winner on the first of each month.⠀

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We love seeing the wallet in action, and how it compliments your budget. 

Reviews like this motivate us to keep spreading the word about the Bella Taylor Cash System Wallet.

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